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Is That Snack as Healthy as it Says on the Box?

Smart Snacking Tips

Packaging can be very deceptive, especially when it comes to snack food items. There are a variety of phrases and claims like “all-natural,” “heart healthy,” “GMO-free,” “organic,” and so many others that make a product seem to be a healthy snack, but is it really? Looking closer at the ingredients listed on the box will give you a better idea of how “healthy” it really is. So, what kind of ingredients should you be wary of? What foods are good for healthy snacking? Those are the main questions we’ve set out to answer. We also want to give you some smart and healthy snacking tips so you can satisfy your cravings in a healthier way.

Be Wary of “Refined Sugar-Free Products”

One of the best healthy snacking tips is to avoid foods that claim to be free of refined sugar. Refined sugar is a type of sugar that might come from a natural source, but that source has been highly processed so only the sugar remains. High fructose corn syrup and simple table sugar are two of the most common forms of refined sugar. Foods that say they are “refined sugar free” often have some other form of sugar in them. This can include:

  • Raw sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Dextrose
  • Corn syrup
  • Golden syrup
  • Glucose
  • Sucrose
  • Maltose
  • Lactose
  • Nectar
  • Maple syrup
  • Mannitol
  • Molasses
  • Concentrated fruit juice

This is one of the best smart snacking tips we can give you because, regardless of the form, the body processes sugar in the same way.

Tips for Healthy Snacking

You might think it’s hard to snack more health-conscious, but these healthy snacking tips are actually quite easy. Take a look at these smart snacking tips to implement in your life and find better foods to eat:

  • Add healthy snacks to your grocery shopping list
  • Keep a good selection of healthy foods that you can grab quickly in your fridge, freezer, and pantry so you never get low and run out.
  • Make an effort to include a fruit or vegetable with every snack and wash them ahead of time so you can conveniently grab them.
  • Pack healthy snacks with you wherever you go so you aren’t tempted to get something out when you’re hungry.
  • Start snacking mindfully – eat without distractions so you can focus on how much you’re eating.
  • Stay hydrated all day long so you never mistake thirst for hunger.

Examples of Healthy Snacks

Now that we’ve gone over some healthy snacking tips, we want to help you identify what healthy foods you can snack on. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Fresh fruits and veggies
  • Frozen fruit
  • Canned fruit (in their own juice, not a syrup)
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Low-fat cheese
  • Unsalted nuts, seeds, and nut butter
  • Whole grain bread, crackers, and cereal
  • Hummus
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Smoothies or smoothie bowls
  • Fruit muffins
  • Banana slices with peanut butter
  • Berries with cottage cheese
  • Apples with almond butter or low-fat cheese
  • Whole grain chips with guacamole
  • Homemade trail mix with whole grain cereal, unsalted nuts, seeds, and dried, unsweetened fruit
  • Carrots or celery with almond butter or peanut butter

While these snack ideas are healthier than the kind of chips or crackers you’d normally reach for, be sure to keep all of our smart snacking tips in mind because even eating too much of something that’s good for you can be bad.

Do you have questions about your diet? Denova Collaborative Healthcare can help you determine what is best for your diet with in-clinic or virtual visits with a primary care provider. Contact us today at 602-23-7373.

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Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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