Shelby Meyer is a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in Arizona who has been practicing with Denova since 2023. She has a master’s degree in nursing, with an accreditation as a Certified Advanced Practice nurse. She is working toward obtaining her certification in Infant and Young Child Mental Health through the Harris Training Institute. Shelby Meyer provides general mental health services for all ages. She has experience treating patients as young as age 2. This includes psychiatric evaluations, application of diagnoses, and prescribing medications (when applicable). Outside of work, Shelby enjoys yoga, reading, and going to outdoor events (i.e. concerts, festivals, and fairs).
Our Providers
Collaborative Teams for Comprehensive Treatment

Appointment Location
- In-Person
3033 N Central Ave STE 700 Phoenix AZ 85012
- Virtual
A virtual appointment via Zoom

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In-person visits and video visits with expert doctors and clinicians are available.
Please note that some providers operate exclusively in a virtual capacity.