Denova’s Health Blog

Your Gateway to Mental and Physical Health Insights and Inspiration

5 Ways To Achieve Better Health In 2021

Looking for ways to achieve better health in 2021 and beyond? Just because The New Year has come and gone doesn’t mean you can’t make changes for a healthier lifestyle – and the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has everyone worried about their health, and how they can stay as healthy as possible until vaccinations bring us back to normalcy.

So in this blog from denova Collaborative Healthcare, we’ll discuss a few ways to achieve better health. Read on to see how you can improve your overall health and well-being! 

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Health In 2021

There are dozens of ways you could improve your health in 2021 – but we’ll stick to a few simple recommendations:

  1. Establish a regular exercise routine – Exercise helps boost your immune system, improves sleep, helps you age more healthily, reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and so much more. So establish a regular exercise routine.Even walking for 30 minutes per day has amazing benefits for your health, and active hobbies like playing tennis or racquetball, riding bikes, and swimming are all great options for staying active.


  2. Make a plan to eat more healthily – Everyone wants to eat healthily. But it’s not always easy. Try to stay away from processed foods and ready-to-eat meals, and stick to healthy, minimally-processed foods like fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, healthy dairy, and whole grains.Cooking more at home is a great way to save money and eat healthily. On a tight schedule? You may want to consider signing up for a meal kit service like Blue Apron or HelloFresh for healthy, easy-to-make meals!


  3. Get enough sleep – High-quality sleep is absolutely essential for your overall well-being. Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night – and 8-9 hours of sleep is ideal. To improve the quality of your sleep, we recommend practicing good “sleep hygiene.”Avoid looking at screens for 30-60 minutes before bed, always wake up at the same time each day, and take steps to rest and relax before bed so that you can fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly through the night. You should also limit napping, particularly in the late afternoon, as this can throw off your sleep schedule.


  4. Take proper precautions against COVID-19 – COVID-19 is still a real threat, despite rising vaccination levels. So make sure you’re still taking proper precautions when you’re in public. Wash your hands and sanitize them frequently, wear a mask, maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and others, and avoid large gatherings. Continuing to follow guidance from the CDC and other major public health organizations will help keep you safe. 
  5. Don’t forget your checkups – Routine checkups with your doctor are essential for maintaining your overall health, even if you feel healthy. At your checkup, you can discuss any issues you may have experienced with your doctor, and they can check for health conditions or diseases and catch them early, which helps protect your overall health. This is one of the best and most important ways to achieve better health!


Need A New Healthcare Provider? Contact denova Collaborative Healthcare Today!

If you need a new healthcare provider in Phoenix, denova Collaborative Healthcare is here for you! At our facility, our doctors focus not just on your physical health, but on your mental health and overall well-being – empowering you to live a happier, healthier, and better life!

To learn more about our unique, integrated approach to healthcare in Phoenix, just schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (602) 281-7289. We’re always accepting new patients, and we’d be honored to have you as part of the denova family!

Start Your Path to Better Health Today with Denova

Schedule your appointment now and experience health care that meets you where you are. Same day, next day appointments for Psychiatry, Therapy and Primary Care available.


Amanda Keenhold, LAC

Licensed Associate Counselor

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